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12v LED bulbs

A set of wiper blades purchased from Braehead at Christmas were so hard that they didn't clear the windscreen in January and the sales rep said "Sorry, they are consumables and like light bulbs can blow at any time"

A set of LED side light bulbs were purchased from Cumbernauld, and a month later one started flashing and then failed, it was replaced with another one that only lasted a month; and then the other one failed.

This store used the same line about bulbs not being covered by any warranty, and put it in writing.

A letter of complaint, accompanied by a written statement saying that consumables are not covered by any warranty, went off to Halford's head office and the attached, reassuring, letter was received confirming that all items are under a one year warranty.

This letter may come in handy !

Source / references :

Halford's reply letter .pdf

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